Monday, November 21, 2011

That Sea, The Gambler

Three things that Fynn loves most in this world are 1: Neck scratchies 2: Sitting in somebodies lap! 3: His Momma! I swear I'd be insane without this dog even if I am sometimes insane with him :) He's my baby and so very irreplaceable! I need to remember this when I get up at 5am every morning to give him a walk, and some love time before I head to work. When he steps on my toes or bashes his head into my face, and even when I slip in the kitchen because he just had a drink of water, and there is now drool all over the floor. Thank goodness I haven't broken anything yet :)  This week I'll be pet sitting about 1 1/2 hours away from home throughout the Thanksgiving Holiday. I can bring him for a night or two, but the rest of the time it will be better for him to stay home. I'm just going to miss him. Although I'm going to pet sit the next best thing - Dane mixes :) Not quite the same but close enough.

Yesterday I got to go see Anna who I haven't seen in what seems like forever! It was a good visit, though not nearly long enough. Darn work on a weekend! Sunday evening I kept working on my Christmas cards! I printed off about 60 photos at Walgreens - Unfortunately I forgot to ask for a Matte finish so I only ended up with Glossy photos. Including a gorgeous 8x10 of Fynn. Now I am all ready for the DOL card exchange. I need to finish shopping for the secret santa though. I need Fynn to come with next time and help pick things out :) I haven't dared bring him anywhere with me lately because we get so much attention and I am not always in the mood for the "Is that a dalmatian" remarks so I tend to avoid it. He's a good boy though so maybe next time I go into Pet Paradise He'll come with!

0 kisses: