Wednesday, November 2, 2011

You know that all the ropes untied

Well it's been a long time since I have posted anything on here. Man, I just don't have the time to keep up with it. Unfortunately, I WANT to keep up with it. So balancing the two are difficult. I need to find some new hobbies though so hey, why not get back into blogging.

I have finally brought home my great dane that I waited a very LONG time for. Fynn is one of the lights of my life along with my cat Ravi. They never cease to amuse or cuddle :) We have a good routine, and I have such wonderful landlords that LOVE animals! A plus for Sarah and I :) Libby is going to start walking Fynn in the afternoon for me on Monday and Tuesdays when she is there so that is really exciting for both him and myself!

Lots of things have happened since last Fall. Instead of house sitting with one of my best friends (aka Sarah) I am living/renting with one of my best friends in Rochester, NH (aka Sarah), and we just started painting the apartment. I'll have to post some photos of our progress soon. The dining room and living room are both now a Burnt Almond Color, we'll make the hallway a little bit lighter in color leading to the empty back room and that will also be burnt almond. Then there are plans for the kitchen to be "Crocodile Tears" so on etc. All really nice colors though :) It definitely makes the apartment more toasty warm then the yellow the contractors had painted it all throughout. I am still learning to get used to being in the city. I have met a lot of interesting people, but also a few people I don't care to get to know. The whole point of the Rochester Refurbishing project is to bring in better folks to this area.  Being around a lot of other people and not in a little hideaway in the woods anymore takes some getting used to, but I am learning and enjoying the experiences that I am having here. Not to mention how wonderful it is being so much closer to work! The only down side is now having to drive through 2 tolls on the way to and from work EZpass is on my to do list. I live right across from the Rochester Fairgrounds so Fynn has wide open spaces to run around in. The Rochester Dog Park is quite close so I need to get a membership there so he can be out and about playing with other dogs soon. Hopefully we'll take a trip to Maine soon and he can play with my sister's boxers Ellie and Bree. Other changes may be coming along the apartment front within the next few months, but I won't share that quite yet. There are still a lot of things that need to fall into place before it can really happen! I'm sure I'll be blogging about it within the next month or so :) But we may not be living here as long as we had planned, which if that happens is a great thing, but not from a negative aspect. The apartment has actually suited our needs quite perfectly :)

What a crazy fall we have had! This first snow storm I was able to avoid losing power, and only getting 3 inches of snow instead of the 16 that Concord got! What a great gift! I'm not ready for what winter may actually bring us, and certainly not ready for the continued cold. I guess the good thing is that Fynn LOVED the snow!

Well this is kind of boring, and I have a lot more stuff to write about. I'm going to put it on hold though and go outside and enjoy this day!

0 kisses: